Hello you, welcome to my digital space,

i am bodhii meera.

It has become my life’s work to understand the mind and the body which we inhabit.

I combine the teachings of chakra system from India, western psychology, art of self-enquiry practiced by spiritual masters of India, and witness the energy flow within my body, to understand life and know myself.

By understanding myself, I have come to be in tune with my true nature: a sacred intuitive artist. It was a long journey of shedding layers of false-identity which were not my true nature, but rather conditioning from society, family, culture, and limitations of my own mind.

I bring my self-awareness into my artistic expression and professional identity as a: dance and movement therapist, tarot reader, empath listener, well-being coach, yoga teacher, shamanic & ceremonial wand maker, and seller of natural essential oils and incense sticks.

Everything I offer has the intention of improving the well-being of my clients.

I offer to you

Listen to the whispers of your heart

We live too much in our mind. The mind needs a logical explanation for everything,

It reasons, it is afraid to change, it does not know how to believe in magic, it keeps you from living your highest and true self.

I invite you to: Come into your heart space, listen to what your body says, give space to what the mind fears and discover your true nature.